Standard range window film comes with 3 year warranty and is non-transferable. Windows should not be opened for the advised time on date of your installation which can vary from 5 to 10 days dependant on time of year and weather conditions to allow appropriate time for correct adhesion of film. Windows should not be cleaned internally for 30 days. Not following either protocols will void warranty. 

Premium film comes with a 10 year warranty and is non-transferable. Unlike standard film it is also under warranty for discoloration. Neither film installations are warrantied against accidental damage. 

'Managing expectations' Even though we strive for perfection during our film installations, window tinting is more of an art than a science. This means during each install there is a small window of error that we have to account for such as air borne contamination.

We do our utmost best to ensure the installation conditions are dust-free yet there are air borne particals that at times hinder installation quality, which is a natural part of the process. These same particals are those which are suspensed in air and breathed in by us and are beyond our control. 

Certain aspects are predictable after installation such as 'dot matrix effects'. This is the result of an air gap between the edge of the glass dotted ceramic coating and tint film and can often be minimised with our 'after care' process but not fully eliminated. Upgrading to premium film can reduce this effect.

Not all film installations can be micro edged or finish to the factory edge due to the certain complexities. Although we strive to ensure all glass is finished to this standard in certain situations this may not be possible.

Metallic/ crystalline deposits in the glass can show up as silver spots often from seat belts or other metals hitting the glass. These become more apparent after having the film applied to the glass.

Scratches inside or outside the glass can become more apparent once the film has been applied. These scratches are often a result of small debris getting stuck window film gaskets and causing micro scratches. We do not cover this sort of thing in the warranty. Simply because short of replacing the gasket with a new/clean one, there is no way to prevent it from happening again.


Window film will look lump and hazy immediately after an install. This is normal. Small pockets of water will also form as the film is curing which will dissipate over time. The curing process is heavily dependant on exposure to UV sunlight thus the curing process can be from as little as 5 days to 4 weeks if the temperatures are near freezing.

Your installer will advise you of the curing period times and aftercare procedure relative to the time of year your tint installation takes place. 


In any case where instructions for the warranty process are not followed customers will be charged a fee to re-fit window film. It is sole responsibility of the customer to follow up for the 'after care' procedure to ensure they are now under warranty against tint failure.

No 'after care' means no warranty. Once under warranty a tamper-proof security sticker will be given to prove the tint installation is under warranty. No sticker means no warranty under any circumstances. Please ensure you are given a sticker during your 'after care' procedure, this is the responsibility of the customer to ensure it is issued. 

Payment terms are set out in your invoice. Not abiding to or missing payment deadline will automatically void all warranties. New warranties may be issued at our discretion and at extra cost.


There is a blanket 12 month warranty on all types of vinyl wrap unless advised otherwise and subject to installation on good paint that as no signs of damage, repair or age.

We will not be held liable for any damage caused to paint or lacquer 'top coat' during installation of any vinyl substrate. 

There are zero warranties for vinyl applied on non-factory paint. 

In some cases extreme heat from the engine or exhausts can cause vinyl wrap to fail. In such cases vinyl wrap is not a suitable application.

Headlight tints come with a 3 month warranty. Be advised sometimes headlight beam heat can discolour film. This is not common but has been witnessed in the past.


Improper maintenance and damage caused by neglect, even if accidental, is not covered under warranty.

Many vinyl film manufacturers state film to last 5 to 7 years if maintained properly.

The key is to have a regular bi-weekly hand wash with mild detergents and to avoid automatic car washes and jet washing.

AVOID using any type of TFR (Traffic Film Removers), abrasive compounds and solvent-based chemicals. Never was a vehicle in direct sunlight. 




Detail 3

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